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This procedure will be performed using local anesthesia. There are usually no restrictions after the procedure concerning driving or returning to work. A doctor is available for consultation at all times should a problem arise after your treatment.

Continue all medications for blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid problems and any other conditions as recommended by your physician. If there is a question, please call our office prior to your appointment.

Please eat a full breakfast or lunch as applicable.

If you have been advised by your physician or dentist to use antibiotic premedication because of mitral valve prolapse (MVP), heart murmur, hip, knee, cardiac or other prosthesis, or if you have rheumatic heart disease, please make sure you are on the appropriate antibiotic on the day of your appointment. If there is a question, please call our office prior to your appointment.

If you can take ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen sodium (Aleve), it does help reduce inflammation when taken pre-operatively. We recommend 2 tablets of either medication 2-4 hours before endodontic therapy.


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Your tooth and surrounding gum tissue may be slightly tender for several days as a result of manipulation during treatment and previous condition of your tooth. This tenderness is normal and is no cause for alarm. Do not chew food on the affected side until your endodontic therapy is completed and your tooth is covered with a protective restoration provided by your restorative dentist. You may continue your regular dental hygiene regimen. Discomfort may be alleviated by taking ibuprofen (Advil), aspirin, or acetaminophen (Tylenol) as directed.

NOTE: Alcohol intake is not advised while taking any of these medications. Should you experience discomfort that cannot be controlled with the above listed medications, or should swelling develop, please contact this office immediately.

The office telephone is answered day and night. If you need to call after hours, please have your pharmacy number available.

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Endodontic treatment has now been completed. The root canal system has been permanently sealed. However, the outer surface is sealed with a temporary restoration. Permanent restoration(filling or crown) must be placed to protect your tooth against fracture and decay.


 A complete report of treatment will be sent to your restorative dentist. Included in your treatment is a follow-up examination to evaluate the progress of healing. This appointment will require only a few minutes and no additional fee will be charged for the first check-up visit. Please call for an appointment during the following month.

Your tooth is more prone to fracture immediately after endodontic treatment. You should chew on the other side until your restorative dentist has placed a core build-up and a protective restoration, usually a crown. If your tooth’s strength is seriously compromised, your endodontist or restorative dentist may place a post and core build-up inside the tooth. Your restorative dentist and endodontist will determine the appropriate restoration to best protect your tooth.


We hope your visit in our office was pleasant and exceeded all expectations. Saving your tooth was a wise decision that you will benefit from every day. We strive to prove that root canal therapy is comfortable, valuable and dramatically better than the alternative of extraction and artificial tooth replacement. Thank you for your patronage and we appreciate your referrals. It is important to call your general dentist soon for an appointment to have your tooth permanently restored after root canal therapy. The temporary filling material we placed (per your general dentist’s instructions) will not permanently protect your tooth from reinfection or fracture. Your tooth may be uncomfortable for a few days and tender to chewing pressure up to a week or more after treatment. This is normal. Anti-inflammatory pain medications are highly recommended.

Please notify us if, when you bite down, your tooth feels high after treatment and is creating soreness. A short office visit to adjust the problem usually leads to quick and dramatic improvement. Long appointments and associated sore teeth may also lead to stimulation of clenching and grinding habits in many patients. This is frequently manifested as sore jaw joints, ear pain, multiple tooth sensitivities and facial achiness. Anti-inflammatory drugs and moist heat to the affected area are usually helpful. Please note, however, that heat on infection induced swelling usually worsens the situation. If your tooth was more complex requiring a second visit for completion, please keep your appointment even if your tooth becomes perfectly comfortable after the initial visit. Long-term success depends on total completion of your root canal therapy with us and subsequent restoration by your general dentist. All patients are given their endodontist’s home phone number along with our office number after treatment. If you have any after-hours questions, call our office number which will provide you with your doctors’ personal phone number.

For More Information Please Contact Endo Clinic Barrie

Opening Hours

Monday & Wednesday: 7:30am to 4pm

Tuesday & Thursday: 7:30am to 6pm

Friday: 7:30am to 3pm

678 Veterans Drive, Unit 1, Barrie, ON, L9J 0H6 

Tel: (705) 252-9001

Fax: (705) 252-9002

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